Getting Started - PrimeVue
The fastest way to get started, is to use one of the prebuilt components.
- cron-core - renderless cron editor
- cron-light - lightweight cron editor without external dependencies
- cron-ant - cron editor for Ant Design Vue
- cron-element-plus - cron editor for Element Plus
- cron-naive - cron editor for Naive UI
- cron-prime - cron editor for PrimeVue
- cron-quasar - cron editor for Quasar
- cron-vuetify - cron editor for Vuetify.js
Make sure to install and setup all requirements.
Open up a terminal and run the following command:
yarn add @vue-js-cron/prime
npm install @vue-js-cron/prime
Then you need to register the component
import '@vue-js-cron/prime/dist/prime.css'
// registers the component globally
// registered name: CronPrime
import CronPrimePlugin from '@vue-js-cron/prime'
// alternatively you can also register the component yourself
import { CronPrime } from '@vue-js-cron/prime'
app.component('CronPrime', CronPrime)
Done! 🚀