# util

# Usage

import core from '@vue-js-cron/core'
const { util } = core

# Functions


type definition

genItems(min, max, genText, genAltText)Array.<{value:number, text:string, alt:string}>

generate items for fields

pad(n, width)string

pads numbers


determines whether the passed value is an object

deepMerge(target, ...sources)object

copies (deep copy) all properties from each source to target

# toText(value) ⇒ string

type definition

Kind: global function

Param Type
value number

# genItems(min, max, genText, genAltText) ⇒ Array.<{value:number, text:string, alt:string}>

generate items for fields

Kind: global function
Returns: Array.<{value:number, text:string, alt:string}> - array of items

Param Type Description
min number first value
max number last value
genText toText returns a string representation of value
genAltText toText returns an alternative string representation of value

# pad(n, width) ⇒ string

pads numbers

Kind: global function
Returns: string - the padded number

Param Type Description
n number number to pad
width number


//returns "001"

# isObject(value) ⇒ Boolean

determines whether the passed value is an object

Kind: global function
Returns: Boolean - true if value is an object, otherwise false

Param Type
value any

# deepMerge(target, ...sources) ⇒ object

copies (deep copy) all properties from each source to target

Kind: global function
Returns: object - target

Param Type
target object
...sources object